Thursday, July 19, 2012

Omar Suleiman has died

Omar Suleiman has died this morning in the USA. He left Egypt right after the presidential elections. He was a candidate but was excluded and he challenged this ruling but had no chance although he was a “felul” – a member of the old regime.

The news can be read in all media today.

However, I knew it by an unexpected way. My student was reading a sms and asked me if I knew Omar Suleiman. Yes, of course – although not personally. “He has died today in the USA… His daughter and his son in law are very good friends of mine. I liked this guy… I’m really touched.”

Somehow, I felt irritated. Omar Suleiman had friends, was liked and respected? I never thought of this. I saw him as the ex-spy chief, Mubarak’s ex-Vice President and others – but never as a human being. What an error! Yet: how can a human being agree to torturing tens of thousands of innocents who died of the tortures or suffered from physical or mental problems for the rest of their lives?

I couldn’t bring myself to express my sympathy; I only asked A. if we should stop our lesson. He didn’t want to and so we went on practicing.

My irritation remains.

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