Saturday, August 20, 2011


What has happened during the last two days in Sinai between Egypt and Israel reminds me – without playing down the consequences of these incidents – of a boomerang.

Whoever shot the Egyptian front officers (Israel or terrorists) – it’s Egypt that has the problem. The poor safety situation all over the country, especially on Sinai, virtually invites terrorists and thugs to settle down and pursue their businesses. It has been all over town for months already, that terrorists, al-Qaida branches and “regular” thugs are staying in Sinai. The Bedouins living there are not very well-disposed to the Egyptian state as well, because they have been neglected. There is hardly any infrastructure, no industry, just a fistful of jobs in the diving business. Has Sinai served as a rampart for Egypt only?

Now it takes its revenge manifold for the neglect of the Sinai Peninsula: the peace treaty is at risk, a fact that has shaken up the Western political world. In addition to all its huge problems, Egypt has to attend to this unsteady peace treaty directly. And at the same time, it has to stand firm that the safety all over the country is in danger and needs serious efforts to be re-established.

The Egyptian people have never backed this peace agreement with Israel – because of Palestine – and have now every reason to protest again against Israel; what they unmistakably are doing at present. Egypt itself has added fuel to the fire!

Egypt, it’s burning on several places! Hurry up, otherwise the boomerang hits you back!

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